Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Durango and back

Tuesday we took a day trip down to Durango and back. On the way South we took 550. This road has some great views, fun curves, and the road is in tip-top condition. The only drawback is the heavy traffic which took away a lot of the fun. But it was still a good experience. No pics of this part due to road rage.

<imagine photo of amazing scenery and heavy traffic>

On the way back up North we took 145. This road was fairly nice as well, but we got DUMPED on by a thunderstorm. Not only did this slow us down to a crawl, but we also had to cross a few rivers of bright red mud that were washing over the road. No pics of this section due to heavy rain.

<imagine photo of 20 feet wide, 8 inches of red mud covering highway>

To celebrate getting back to the cabin we put on some dry clothes, had some fried fish from what we caught yesterday, and did nothing. And it was great.

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Trip miles to date: 1,303

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