Monday, August 1, 2011


Sunday we decided to start the day by riding out to some canyon overlooks in Canyonlands National Park. First we went to Dead Horse State Park. With a very narrow pass, and sheer cliff walls on all other sides, this was the perfect place for cowboys to corral wild horses. They would drive herds of horses out onto this point, and then build a fence across the narrow strip of land to keep them in. Legend has it that a herd of horses died of thirst within view of the Colorado river, 2,000 feet below.

My parents came along with us for a few days.

Raider Red is my traveling buddy. No, I do not need to him to sleep.

After Dead Horse we headed to Canyonlands. Here, my parents took off on a tour of this amazing national park, while Dave and I headed off the beaten path. We took a dirt trail from the top of the canyon rim down to the bottom. It was a 30 mile trip that took us back into town, with a LOT of demanding trails, but with views that more than made up for it.

Dirt road with 1,000 cliff drops!

Dave on the edge!

This is the gravel road we took down from the rim to the base of the canyon. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little intimidated.


Amazing rock formations.

This is my "WTF?" look.

Another view of the steepest part of the trail.

Overlooking the Colorado River, about halfway down the 2,000 foot canyon.

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Trip miles to date: 715

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