Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leaving Moab

Monday morning we got on the road early to take the LONG way back to the cabin. We drove up into the La Sal mountains and then back north to follow the Colorado river up to I-70.

View of Colorado River valley coming down from La Sal mountains.

When we got back to the cabin we headed out to the lake for some trout fishing. We were able to catch rainbow and brown trout. Definitely got enough to feed everyone for dinner.

Dave pulling in a keeper.

Raider Red is not a good fisherman, luckily I did pretty well.
The evening brought out some wonderful stars. At 10,500 feet, and 50 miles to the nearest city, the night sky at the cabin is incredible.

Bike in the foreground of the night sky.

Here you can see the silhouette of the trees in front of the cabin.

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Trip miles to date: 910

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